ECB Penguine
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ECB Penguine
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let's open the script
the image is encrypted using MODE ECB
so this can be an ECB Penguine
What is the ECB Penguin
? The most common encryption algorithm, AES, is a block cipher with 128-bit blocks. A block cipher always encrypts the same contents the same way, given the same key. Naively, that doesn't seem like a problem because that output is still encrypted, and hence "secure", but it reveals information.
this is an exemple of ECB penguine even though it's encrypted using AES MODE ECB but the fact that it encrypts the same contents the same way it reveals information
and to reveal information inside the image encrypted using AES MODE ECB we will use a tool called GIMP GNU Image Manipulation Program
if it's not installed by default in your kali linux run those commands
select RGB Aplha and start playing with the with and offset until you see something in the RAW Image Data in this case i found that the offset 1 and with 960 gives us the flag but the image is rotated 180 degrees and flipped horizontally
save the image and then flip the image horizontally and rotate it 180 degress you will get this it's very hard to read
the flag is => ENO{i_c4N_s33_tHr0ugH_3ncrYpti0n}